The year is already half over. Can you believe it? While I can think of so many great things that happened this year, like the launch of the Lolo and Winkle book series and the birth of my new granddaughter, there's one thing that stands out on my worst memory of the year list. I thought I lost Winkle.

On the streets of New York, my brother slipped and fell. I thought someone had attacked him. But no, he fell and banged his head pretty hard on the sidewalk. Guess what? Pedestrians just walked by an unconscious man on the street. Finally, someone found him and called the police.
It was one of the worse days of my life, imagining Lolo without her Winkle. As much as he's driven me crazy over the years, there's no me without him. Until I found out he was okay, I couldn't even write.
When I finally talked to him, do you know what he said? "Do you know how many times I've hit my head, and I'm still here?"
LOL! He was right. He assured me he was absolutely okay. Thank goodness for his hard noggin.
