Hello, my name is Noemi and I am one of L. B. Anne's summer interns for her Author Apprentice Summer Internship Program. Today I am assigned the task of blogging about my latest read. Check it out.
This week I read A Dog Year by Jon Katz.
This book is about the experiences that Jon Katz had with the four different dogs he lived with within one year.
Although each of the four dogs were uniquely loved, this book slightly zooms in on Devon—an anxious and fierce border collie.
I would have to rate this book 3.5 stars—perhaps slightly more. It was extremely well written, with an equal mix of humor and sorrow. I was constantly laughing, from the extreme calmness of the two Labs, to the insane stubbornness of Devon, to all their painstakingly awkward interactions. Yet at the same time, this book was heartbreaking—from Devon’s fearful and anxious behavior to the vet visits with the two Labs (I was sobbing). However, there were a few things in this book that I wasn’t completely on board with. But in the end, I really did grow attached to these dogs.
Here is more info about it:
"Change loves me, defines and stalks me like a laser-guided smart bomb. It comes at me in all forms, suddenly and with enormous impact, from making shifts in work to having and raising a kid to buying a cabin on a distant mountaintop. Sometimes, change comes on four legs.” In his popular and widely praised Running to the Mountain, Jon Katz wrote of the strength and support he found in the massive forms of his two yellow Labrador retrievers, Julius and Stanley. When the Labs were six and seven, a breeder who’d read his book contacted Katz to say she had a dog that was meant for him—a two-year-old border collie named Devon, well-bred but high-strung and homeless. Katz already had a full canine complement, but instinct overruled reason, and soon thereafter he brought Devon home. A Dog Year: Twelve Months, Four Dogs, and Me is the story of how Devon and Jon—and Julius and Stanley—came to terms with each other. It shows how a man discovered a lot about himself through one dog (and then another) whose temperament seemed as different from his own as day is from night. It is a story of trust and understanding, of life and death, of continuity and change. It is by turns insightful, hilarious, and deeply moving.
Available where books are sold.
